Services > Rotordynamics > Coupled Dynamics

Coupled Dynamics

Lateral, torsional and axial vibrations can dynamically interact or communicate with one another, particularly, in machine trains with gearing. Such “coupling” is typically ignored by industry standards and OEM practices but can be vitally important.

When the coupled dynamics are significant, commonly performed uncoupled analyses (e.g., lateral only or torsional only) may fail to accurately predict critical vibration characteristics and phenomena such as:

  • Natural frequencies and critical speeds

  • Modal damping and stability thresholds

  • Torsional stresses

BRG employs coupled rotordynamic analyses to assist in the diagnosis and mitigation of challenging field problems.

Measured vibration spectra from a generator train showing the presence of coupled dynamics

  • Training workshop

    Training Opportunity

    Fundamentals of Rotordynamics for End-Users & Manufacturers
    December 8-12, 2025